In the 6th round of the Women’s World Championship Match Maria Muzychuk lost a game with white pieces and let her opponent Hou Yifan to increase the lead in the Women’s World Championship Match. The score in the Match is 4:2 and Chinese player has 2 points lead.
Maria Muzychuk came back to Italian Game and the position became very complex right from the opening. Hou Yifan went for quite aggressive line g5-g4 and weakens the position of her King.
![Photo by Vitaliy Hrabar](
Commentators Oleksienko and Kryvoruchko talking with famous Lviv chess coach Grabinski. Photo by Vitaliy Hrabar
Champion of Ukraine Volokitin (2004, 2015) with commentators Mikhalcisin and Alexanian. Photo by Vitaliy Hrabar
At the press conference Chinese player explained that the knight on h4 could be dangerous if it helps White to attack the king but it can also stay out of play as it happened in the game. White had a few chances to push f6 and secure the square f5 for her the knight with good play but Maria was attracted by another idea. According to her, she felt her position was better but she lost her track after 22 moves.
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